Daria Justyn

Psychic · Medium · Clairvoyant · Author

... Daria Justyn is a psychic medium and intuitive counselor, with an international clientele, doing readings privately and publicly. She has spent her life cultivating her ability to channel messages from Angelic Energies, Spirit Guides, Master Teachers, Galactics and Souls who have crossed over.

“We are descended from the stars, traveling through time, an essence of love in human form enveloped in a dream that we believe to be reality. We are awakening from that dream and remembering that whatever separates us merely points to the barriers we need to dissolve. ... We are expanding our consciousness and ascending into higher frequencies of love and light.”

Born and raised in New Jersey, Daria grew up in a family of psychics where dreams and premonitions were commonplace. Her mother always spoke of seeing relatives that had passed over, and everyone discussed their dreams, knowing some would become predictions. “I always knew I was supposed to do something special with my life. At some point dreams and destiny collided.”

Daria helps people to connect to higher consciousness and understand what lies beyond this world. "We are all souls who have come here with a higher purpose. Knowing this has enriched my life beyond belief."

Daria was invited to be a prospective medium for the VERITAS Research Program at the University of Arizona, headed by Dr, Gary Schwartz, author of "The Afterlife Experiments", whose work was featured in a documentary for HBO.

... This evolved into the scientific research study, Survival of Consciousness, conducted by the Windbridge Research Center, for which Daria served as a research medium and was officially granted Medium Certification from the most rigorous 5 year peer reviewed scientific study of Mediumship done to date.

Daria has had the privilege of Reading a global clientele in Australia, Bahamas, Belgium, Bosnia, Canada, Czech, Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom & Zimbabwe.


February 21, 2025

The Love of Your Life

What does it mean to experience the “Love of Your Life,” and what does that look like from the soul’s perspective.Countless times I have heard people ask: “If this is the love of my life, why aren’t we still together?”

I had a beautiful exchange with a soul during one of my readings, and he said that from the soul‘s perspective, the ‘love of my life’ scenario looks very different than it does from the human perspective. He called the love between souls ‘pure love’ with love being the truest and purest expression of the soul.

And in the realms of higher vibrations, souls exist as light beings, radiating this pure love. They form bonds with other souls who then choose to incarnate together, sharing elements of a life plan. While in human form, through this shared destiny, they ‘captivate’ each other by emanating this intense love, shifting their consciousness and altering their reality.
Hence the term, ‘falling in love’.

Love may be timeless, but lifetimes are not.

When we encounter someone we love with deep intensity, what we are feeling is that extreme magnetism, pulling us towards each other in order to nurture us, nourish, support, excite us and enrich us in ways that only love can.

Yet set within our human lifetime are ‘points of destiny’ that our soul needs to experience. We are diverted onto different paths, which lead us away from that great love. These diversions are necessary in order to fulfill our original soul agreement and life plan, even if it means leaving behind the love of our life. With the passage of time, that love may dim as it moves farther away in our memory. But then, even a mere fleeting thought of that love, may reignite the feelings that lie deeply embedded in our hearts, causing us to remember them with a multitude of emotions.

This beautiful soul also made it very clear that choosing a path away from that original love, following our destiny, can open the door to the possibility of many beautiful, joyful experiences. That there are many loves that we may encounter throughout our lifetime, each with their own unique form, affecting our hearts in distinctly different ways. Be open to the joys of new experiences! Be open to the opportunity of new love, whatever the form it may take and remember that love is boundless, love is infinite and can never diminish. Then the ‘love of your life’ becomes the ‘LOVES of your life’ and instead of lamenting what is lost, look ahead with excitement for what is still to come.

January 29, 2025

Disclosure is coming

As we are rapidly moving along in this ascension cycle and the ET/UFO presence coming more into our awareness, I’d like to reiterate the message shared with me by my extraterrestrial guides some time ago.

This pertains to the entire globe as eventually humans will share everything openly and freely, while still enjoying their cultures, traditions and values.

People all around the world will no longer be ruled by governmental parties.

Instead, this template we will create a new system of governing, with three cooperative branches. They will all be equal, and replicated across the planet. Each branch will be filled with ambassadors who would be chosen based on their abilities, capabilities and their desire to be in selfless service to others and they will change out as needed.

The first branch of ambassadors will monitor and seek out, first and foremost, the needs of the populous, always looking at what the people will need for their highest good, changing and adjusting to attain that purpose.

The second will be focused on identifying and fulfilling the needs of the work force that serve the people; businesses, industry, technology etc., and what they will need for the greatest good and to keep everything in balance.

The third group of ambassadors would be chosen for their intuitive empathic abilities. They would be representing the overarching spiritual, metaphysical and emotional needs of the not only people, but also what animals, nature, and the planet need to stay in balance.

Instead of a hierarchy of power, this would all be done in a honeycomb pattern, where all information is equal and accessible, each branch adjusting to what will serve its needs the best. This Information would be presented in what the galactics call the language of neutrality; pure information, with no emotional swaying and no manipulation. It is all based on pure, heart felt love, collectively focused on the needs of all.

And finally, when we have ended global conflict and can look at each other as humans without division, when we can implement this new way of seeing to the needs of all of us, then we will be invited to have a seat at the galactic table and life as we know it will never be the same. It will be unimaginably better.This is what disclosure will bring.

January 24, 2025

A Vision

I woke up thinking about our current school systems, and the visions I’ve seen where children and teachers are gathered together according to their abilities and interests and the holographic technology used to put them ‘inside’ their learning environment. You could seemingly be in a jungle or the ocean or even space. It was exciting for students and teachers alike.

I then went into deep meditation and saw an object in space that looked like a spacecraft or satellite. I was given the name “Tu”.

When I came out of meditation, I researched Tu and satellites and found that Tu Delft (a Dutch university) satellite technology is preparing to launch the Da Vinci satellite in 2026. Led by a student team, this nano satellite will directly connect primary and secondary school children with space! So exciting!

January 5, 2025

Hosts of Angels

In my meditation this morning, I saw a host of Angels surrounding the planet. Streamers of light in every color imaginable were flowing from them going directly to the planet. Pray. This is the time to pray for continued divine intervention to mitigate the little pops of disruption I saw, like firecrackers, going off here and there, but fizzling out. What is prayer? It’s real; it’s felt, it’s not imagined. It’s connecting to the vibration of the Creator and being a conduit for that vibration of love and peace to flow through us and fix this broken world. The affects of prayer are like the wind; you may not always see it but you will always feel it.


Private Telephone Reading

A phone reading offers you the same benefits as an in-person reading, but from the comfort of your own space and with no distractions. I can connect with your energy, whether you are next door or a continent away.

$240 - 1 HOUR

Group Readings

Invite guests to your home for an exciting group session where everyone experiences the flow of energy as loved ones come through, issues are resolved, and messages are delivered. Sessions typically last 2 hours, with everyone read as a group.

Please email for rates & more information. souls@dariajustyn.com

Mentoring & Transformational Coaching

Many clients express the readings they have with me are transformational. They are eager to continue having that guidance and support to create more fulfilling, expansive lives. My Mentoring and Transformational Coaching Sessions are a way to make that happen.

Through a series of 6 intuitive mentoring sessions, I offer channelled guidance and practical tools for those seeking to understand their soul’s path, develop their intuitive potential or special abilities, or bring to fruition such events as a new career, relationship, divorce, changing homes or relocating.

Through these sessions I have seen clients accomplish things they never thought possible: discovering a new profession, relocating to other continents, become a practicing Medium, a Reiki Master, find a loving relationship or the courage to end one that did not serve their highest good. They’ve learned how to make decisions from their heart and not just their head through meditation, positive intention, raising their consciousness and by staying focused in the moment of NOW.

As your mentor and coach, each week I connect to the higher vibrational energy of your guides, master teachers, the angelic realm, your loved ones and past lives of your soul, to provide the invaluable wisdom they have to offer. Each session is completely unique for you and in harmony with the requirements of your soul growth, whether you are doing it in service for yourself or to be in service to others.

Mentoring sessions are one hour long, via phone, and run for 6 consecutive weeks. Please email souls@dariajustyn.com for more details.


Private Readings

How does it work?
I raise my vibration and through your energy connect to your highest self, soul, over soul, guides, loved ones, the Angelics and whatever beings of love and light can to assist. I see your past, present, and potential futures as happening in the moment of ‘now’. Often times, while looking across your time line, past lives will appear if they are relevant to now.

What kind of questions can I ask?
You can ask anything, about past, present or future events, challenges or concerns that you may be having about yourself or loved ones.

Will you only be speaking about people who have passed on?
No, anyone or anything relative to this life, may come up in a reading, such as people who are alive, past over and even pets. Higher vibrational beings like angels, guides or ascended masters may even come in if they are in your awareness.

What if I never met the person you are speaking about?
There are sometimes, relatives and friends that come in, who you may not have known. It doesn’t matter, because they usually come up with information for someone close to you, or you have recently spoke to and you become the messenger, if you choose to be. They also want you to know, that even though you may never have met your grandmother, for instance, she is part of your soul group and can be sending you messages of love.

What if someone I want to hear from doesn’t come through?
I will always try to tune in to their energy, and usually it is possible. However, I always say this, “You might not hear from whom you want to, but you will always hear from who you need to.” Everything is coordinated by your soul and there is always a plan. By the end of the reading, it all becomes clear.

Why do so many names come through sometimes?
Just like we gather for a party, those on the other side who think they have a chance of getting a message through often come and try. There is usually one soul whose energy is stronger, and they will open the door, so to speak.

How do I prepare for a reading?
Pick a quiet space, where you will not be disturbed.
Set your intention to be a willing participant, to be open to receive with no preconceived notions. Something I’ve learned being a Windbridge research medium is that your energy is just as relevant to the process.
Set your intention to be a willing participant, to be open to receive with no preconceived notions. Something I’ve learned being a Windbridge research medium is that your energy is just as relevant to the process.
Have questions you’d like answered.

What else should I know about a reading?
The way they put images in my head, they will put them in yours, so if something “pops in”, don’t disregard it as being too strange, or saying, ”it couldn’t possibly be her, I haven’t seen her in 20 years, or I never knew her.” Keep an open mind, and PLEASE, ponder the information before you answer. When someone immediately says “no”, they are not allowing their intuition to speak to them.
I always trust that the information coming through is valid, has a higher purpose, and comes from GOD. I am the messenger, delivering the information, and you are the interpreter. I find messages usually come with love, laughter, and heal the soul. There is never any reason to fear. If asked, I will always give you a truthful answer, but remember, these readings are to help heal and guide. Nothing is ever written in stone, and there are always different paths you can take. I will NEVER tell you someone is going to die. That is between their soul and God.

Will anyone else have access to the information in a reading?
All readings are confidential, and non-judgmental. I will never give information to a spouse, or anyone else, and I am not here to judge your actions. I am here to deliver messages and guidance from the other side.

Group Readings

How long is a group reading, and how does it work?
A group reading is in person, lasts for 2 – 21/2 hours, and consists of six participants.
Everyone is read together in a group, but each person will receive attention. Information comes through, and if it makes sense to you, I ask you to validate it with simply a “yes” or a “no”. If it makes sense to more than one person, I will continue until we have established who it is for. Sometimes souls “share” information. Please do not be shy! Even if I am speaking to someone else, if you think it is for you, please jump in. After we have established who we have connected to, you can validate the information with the background story.
In a group forum, as always, the energy is directed from the other side.

Angels Whisper to Us

About the Book

“On a clear sunny day, I received a message from the Archangels. It came as a voice whispering, yet filled every fiber of my being with a ‘knowing’ that daydreams are a doorway to a higher consciousness, a bridge between the physical and spiritual world.”

Everyone daydreams. With Angels Whisper to Us I have created a manual that teaches the reader how to access and understand the guidance, inspiration and acknowledgment that comes to us from Angels, spirit guides and loved ones who have passed on, via our daydreams.

"Why wait for angels to visit you? Lace up your wings and meet them half way. Let Daria take you on a journey to that breathtaking space between Heaven and Earth where you'll find answers to questions about career, family, health and love. Daria has helped me achieve my life's purpose in the most remarkable ways and her greatest joy will come from doing the same for you in this spectacular book full of secrets you'll wish you'd learned years ago!"

Laura Simpson, Executive Director The Harmony Fund

Angels Whisper to Us - Book Cover


Yvette G
Tremendous reading like usual. What a tremendous gift. She is so very accurate. I highly recommend her, you will not be disappointed!
John L
Very compassionate, kind and accurate in her services.
Lordana G
For me it is hard to trust people who claim to be psychic or mediums, however Daria is a truthful powerful and intuitive individual. My experienc...
Claudia G
Daria has an incredible gift. My third reading brought new and valuable insights into my present life and what lies beyond. I feel so much more c...
Sheila R
Daria is amazing! I've had several readings with her and they're always incredibly accurate. Daria is very kind and I'm greateful for her insights.
Michael R
Hands down a life changing experience that gave me hope in these crazy times. I went into this reading not knowing what to expect. I had onl...
Erin H
Daria was really great. She reached my grandfather and my son on the other side and gave me useful and comforting advice from the other sid...

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