Daria Justyn's Official Blog Site...
Reading with DariaJune 15, 2010
Medium in our Midst
 Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, June 16th
7pm EST
Call in # 646-378-1825

Daria Justyn
I will devote this show to doing eclectic readings, connecting to Spirit guides, Archangels, loved ones who have crossed over, retrieving soul messages and connecting with past lives. My purpose here is to assist each of you to listen to your soul, understand your mission here on Earth, to share your gifts, and overcome your challenges. Life offers us a wonderful opportunity to learn, to grow and to teach. By connecting with your soul, the energies of loved ones who have passed over, Spirit guides, and Archangels, I am able to help you receive guidance, inspiration and acknowledgment. We are all Souls who have come here with a higher purpose, and together, we shall usher in a more peaceful, gentler world, devoid of anger and hate, and instead, create a world filled with love and light. This is a privilege, and a challenge, for which I am eternally grateful.
Medicine Card ReadingsJune 8, 2010
Medium in our Midst
Blog Talk Radio

Share a journey through the animal and plant world with my guest Jennifer Prull. She is an avid explorer of the human psyche and the applications of mind/body medicine. Jennifer has been a licensed massage and bodywork professional for 20 years. She has studied Holotropic Breathwork thru GTT and has worked in depth with Amazonian Plant Medicines for 10 years. She also incorporates the Music of the Spheres and Acutonics Sound Healing systems in her practice. Her interest in Animal Totem and shamanic helper energies of plants and stones has been a personal addition and private enjoyment study of the past 20 years. Healing and personal growth is a life practice which has now expanded to serving humanity through the use of butter, flour and sugar to serve up some pastry and savory medicines :)
She is the mother of 3 grown children and lives in Bend Oregon.

Medium in our Midst
Wed, June 9th
7:00 pm est
call in # 646. 378 .1825

The Intuitive WarriorJune 3, 2010
Medium in our Midst
Michael Jaco
author of
The Intuitive Warrior
Lessons from a Navy Seal on unleashing your hidden potential

 Believe me when I say you have never met anyone quite so unique as Michael Jaco.

He served as a Navy SEAL for 24 years, and through his extensive mental and physical training, along with his experiences in combat, Michael learned the immense power of his thoughts, emotions and intuition. In his new book, "The Intuitive Warrior: Lessons from a Navy SEAL on Unleashing Your Hidden Potential" Michael describes his experiences in the military to illustrate how the perceptive powers he awakened through training and combat not only saved lives, but also enriched the other aspects of his life. Jaco says people can use their thoughts to influence their environment.
  Inspired by research in quantum physics and an interest in science, history and spirituality, Jaco says thinking and projecting love helped him thwart attacks during his military career. When he returned from combat, he realized these practices could be applied by anyone to improve everyday life. "Intuition is inherent in all of us," Jaco says. "No matter who you are, you can tap into your perception and awareness to make it work for you."
  Jaco served as a Navy SEAL with distinction for 24 years and saw combat in Operation "Just Cause." Over the course of his career, he earned various ribbons and medals, including three Navy Commendation Medals. Jaco was also an expert at creating training courses, developing the first combat fighting course and the first climbing course for the SEAL teams. After his retirement from the Navy, Jaco started a training organization to teach people tactical awareness skills. He also works as an independent security contractor protecting government officials overseas.
Jaco currently lives in Elgin, S.C., with his wife and two children. To learn more, please visit
Angelic ChannelMay 25, 2010
Angelic Channel
Sheryl Blumenthal
Medium in our Midst


 Sheryl Blumenthal
Featured Guest
Medium in our Midst

Sheryl is a messenger who is divinely guided. Through rare abilities her gifts offer love, healing, peace, and direct guidance through an extremely powerful and transforming unity with the Council of Elders. These angelic presences throughout history are revered beings of 'the most high' who lovingly assist people to journey towards achieving their soul's quest and realizing their true gifts. The messages and the light that Sheryl brings forth are direct, vital, and pure. Her inner beauty and light will amaze you.
Medium in our Midst on Blog Talk Radio

Wed, May26th
7:00pm EST
Call in # 646 378 1825

Readings with DariaMay 19, 2010

Tonight on
Medium in our Midst

Readings with Daria

Join me tonight,
Wed, May 19th at 7 pm est
on Blog Talk Radio where I will be taking your calls and bringing you messages
Numerologist Alison BAughman on Medium in our MidstMay 12, 2010
Tonight on
Medium in our Midst
Alison Baughman
  • Numerologist Alison Baughman will return to Medium in our Midst to discuss the changing vibrations for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012. Alison is an author, lecturer and the host of "Visible By Numbers".a weekly talk radio show about Numerology on BBS Radio. "Numerology is the key to connect to your soul, and understanding your Numerology brings about awareness to your true potential and life purpose. It not only identifies your abilities and talents but also the lessons and challenges your soul sought to experience during this journey we call life. Understanding your Numerology, simply put, validates your life experiences and puts you on the path for your greatest achievements, helping you to live a happier, healthier and more purposeful life." Alison is dedicated to helping others on their soul journey through her intuitive abilities and knowledge of Numerology." Alison has also studied a wide range of Metaphysical subjects such as Palmistry, Astrology, Chakras, Meditation, Qigong, Holistic Healing, Crystals, Mediumship and is a Reiki Master. www.visiblebynumbers.com 717-859-3772 Please join us to hear how the energy will shift and what to expect. Than we will take your calls and answer your questions.

Medium in our Midst
on Blog Talk Radio

Wed, May 12th

Call in # 646 378 1825
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