Daria Justyn's Official Blog Site...
Elemental Love StylesJuly 20, 2010
This week on Medium in our Midst
Wed, July 21st
7:00 PM EST
Call in # 646 378 1825


Elemental Love Styles with Dr. Craig Martin

Dr. Craig Martin is a spiritual counselor, relationship expert, and author of Elemental Love Styles: Find Compatibility and Create a Lasting Relationship.
He provides counseling based on astrology and his lifetime of studying worldwide spiritual practices like The Kabbalah, Druidic Mysticism, the Norse Ruins, Native American Shamanism and other ritual ceremonies. In his work he focuses on teaching self-awareness, acceptance and love in a simple way. He helps people realize that introspection doesn’t need to be difficult - but it is needed - to build great relationships in all aspects of your life. Dr. Craig developed his unique method of counseling by combining his experience as a homeopathic doctor with his extensive knowledge of astrology. He focuses on helping both individuals and couples achieve clarity and balance through self-discovery.  “Love, honesty and inner growth are why we are here and what all relationships require. We want to feel that we are continuously becoming better people,” says Dr. Craig. Helping people achieve this common goal is what motivates him to share his messages.
Guest Appearance TodayJuly 14, 2010
Today, Wed, July 14th at 1:00 PM EST, I will make a guest appearance on Blog Talk Radio's INTHEFLOW with host Rhonda Hohman.  The topic will be Archangel Gabriel, the Angel of Communication. We'll be delivering messages and sharing wisdom and insight around one of the most beloved Archangels known to humanity.
Call in early to connect with Daria at 347.884.9112.
Messages from Archangel GabrielJuly 13, 2010
Photobucket Join me as I welcome mystical intuitive Rhonda Hohmann to share the spiritual messages of one of the most beloved of the Archangels, Gabriel, known as the messenger. The sparks fly when ever Rhonda and I get together, so call in to receive your message from the higher realms.
Medium in our Midst
Wed, July 14th
7pm EST
call in number: 646 378 1825

Radio ShowJuly 1, 2010
Medium in our Midst
I will be taking a two week summer hiatus from my radio show.
Please join me on Wednesday, July14th, when I return to bring you readings, great topics and special guests.


Daria Justyn
Medium in our Midst
Find me on Facebooksun
Author of: Angels Whisper to Us ~
Decoding the Messages in Daydreams

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Debra Clement on Medium in our MidstJune 23, 2010

debraTo celebrate the Summer Solstice and the Lunar Eclipse, Debra Clement, Astrologer Extraordinaire will be visiting on Medium in our Midst to tell you which of your houses the moon will cast its luminous light upon.  Will it be love, magic, romance or abandon?  Come and see if you will be dancing or howling.

Medium in our Midst on Blog Talk Radio

Wed, June 23rd

7:00 pm EST

Call in # 646 378 1825

Visit Debra at: Anchored in Astrology

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