Daria Justyn's Official Blog Site...
MessagesAugust 24, 2010
Medium in our Midst
BBS Radio
where my archived shows are always free
 to listen or download

 Wednesday, August 25

7pm EST / 6pm CT / 4pm PST
Here are the call in numbers for the show:

Toll Free 888 815 9756

530 327 7602
530 776 5185
530 413 4522

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John C. Davis om Medium in our MidstAugust 17, 2010
Wed, Aug. 18th
Medium in our Midst

John of Peniel

What would you do if 19 different psychic intuitives [many unsolicited] told you of a past life as John the Beloved Apostle?

 Well that's exactly what happened to John C. Davis,  and with his soul calling out, he followed a path that led him to find a past life regressionist. While under hypnosis, John remembered meeting, walking with, and learning from Jesus (Jeshua).
 One of the techniques used in past life regression, is to take you to your death in a particular lifetime.  Instead, of going to his death, John found himself at the crucifixion of Jesus.

 Soon after having this experience, John began applying the teachings to his life, and he began witnessing miraculous events.   To date hundreds of healings and life altering experiences have transpired through John's assistance.
His message is simple:  BE LOVE

7pm EST  4pm PST
BBS Radio

Guest AppearanceAugust 9, 2010
Monday, August 9th
I will have a guest appearance on

Visible By Numbers
hosted by Alison Baughman

BBS Radio
Station 1
Monday 5:00 - 6:00 PM (PST)  8:00 - 9:00 PM (EST)


Special Guest August 9, 2010

Medium in our Midst

August 11 
Special Guest
Kevin Ryerson


Kevin Ryerson is an award-winning Expert Intuitive.

He is the author of the land mark book Spirit Communication:The Soul's Path. His latest book The Future Healer: Spirit Communication on Healing was co-authored with Ron Henry D.C. He is featured in Shirley MacLaine's best sellers, Out on a Limb, Dancing in the Light, It's All In The Playing and Sage-ing While Age-ing.His research work is featured in the books:  Flower Essences, Spiritual Nutrition (Dr. Gabriel Cousens) and most recently in Dr. Walter Semkiw's books: Return of the Revolutionaries:The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited, Born Again and Dr. William Kautz's scientific use of intuition in Opening the Inner Eye.In 1987 Kevin Ryerson introduced "Transformational Travel ".These journeys connect you with "the spirit of place" and often change you for the better with inspiration from this life and past lives.  Kevin leads groups in Bali, Egypt, England, Greece, Ireland,Japan, Peru, Wales, Arizona and Hawaii.

 Kevin Ryerson served as a Director of the Intuition Network and is the former Vice President of California Society for Psychical Study. He is co-founder of the Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit. He is a founding Director of The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center.

  His credits include creative consultant on the the television mini-series Out on Limb, the movie Poltergeist II, and the movies The Magic Boat and Palooka. 
  His media experiences include Oprah Winfrey, Good Morning America, CNN, Yoga Journal, Newsweek, Kindred Spirit and other national and international forums.

Kevin is well known and respected for his balanced and integrated world views. He provides experiences that touch and change people's lives.  His life work is dedicated to bridging the gap between science and spirituality. He maintains a consulting practice in Seattle, Washington
Read Kevin's articles, spirited comments, and find his books at

Launch Date!August 4, 2010

Daria Justyn

 Wednesday, August 4th

7pm EST / 4pm PST

Toll Free call in number: 888-815-9716

Come celebrate the launch of my show on BBS Radio,
the #1 Worldwide Live Internet Radio Network on the Planet!

  I have spent the last year fine tuning my skills as a talk radio host, enjoyed bringing my audience many interesting guests, and most of all the rewarding experience of connecting with Spirit Guides, Archangels, Master Teachers and loved ones who have crossed over.  Please join me as I continue to connect to the higher vibrational realms and give live, on air readings.

Win a 30 minute phone reading with Daria!

During this evening's show I will give my listeners a special word to email me by midnight EST, and with the help of my Angels and Guides, choose a winner.

YOU could be that person!

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