Daria Justyn's Official Blog Site...
Ghost Hunting Live!October 26, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Ghost Hunting Live from The Shore House!

shore house
This Wednesday I am going to be daring and connect with some of the most 'alive' spirits I've encountered with my radio show brought to you live from The Shore House, in Point Pleasant NJ.
  I have done some ghost hunting there before, but never have I done it on air during my show.
   Here is some history on the place, and believe me when I tell you to expect the unexpected!!
  The Shore House, formerly known as West Side Tavern, is a historic building from the 1800's and the oldest operating hotel in Point Pleasant, New Jersey, when it was built as the West Point Hotel. The building had access to a canal across the way that was a link to the outlet that reaches the ocean; so many visitors arrived by ship. It has a colorful past and saw many changes, through many different eras. The building is well known for being haunted. After the wreck of the sailing ship, the John Minturn, in the winter of 1856, the hotel was turned into a morgue for the 39 souls who died in one of the worst storms of all times. The hotel has been a Speak Easy, [and I've heard the honky tonk piano to prove it], a stage coach stop, a hospital, and a stop on the underground railroad, housing former slaves, but it was the ship wreck that brought the Captain,whose picture still hangs.
  When I tell you I get the creeps just being upstairs is an understatement, and I might even muster up the courage to go into the attic!
  During the 2nd half of the show I'm going to try to take calls to hear your stories too, so tune in, and afterward, if you dare, stop by The Shore House to chat with some of the 'visitors'! Boo!

  Medium in our Midst on Blog Talk Radio me
Wed, Oct 27th
7pm EST ~ 4pm PST ~ 6pm CT
call in number 646 378 1825

Do to popular demand, my Blog Talk switchboard has been expanded to carry 50 calls at once!
So you have many options to enjoy the show; listen through the computer and join the chat room, call in and listen through your phone, or download the show from the archives and enjoy listening whenever it is convenient.
Listen to the show at:
Medium in our Midst
Read my Blog and Event page at:
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Contact me at: 732 278 9484
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                   Wishing you Grace & Peace, Always, Daria Justyn Psychic Medium

Brick, New Jersey 08723
BLOG TALK RADIOOctober 8, 2010
Since I was able to connect with so many more of you on BLOG TALK RADIO, I am returning with an incredible show featuring:
~  Special Guest ~

Sandy Anastasi 

Internationally Renowned Psychic Channel

Wed, October 20th
7pm EST
Call in #  [646] 378 1825
Like many who realize their psychic gifts later in life, Sandy Anastasi awakened to her abilities in her late 20’s. She understood that many people develop deep psychological problems because their psychic abilities are misunderstood and often blocked. These insights and an inner need to pass on her knowledge and abilities led her to begin teaching others to develop their own psychic gifts. She believes that if you are psychic, you MUST use your gifts, or at least learn to control them, or they will use you!

Sandy has many psychic gifts, but she believes her greatest to be the ability to identify and emulate the gifts of others. Because of that she is uniquely suited to teach people to open and develop those very gifts in themselves.

Sandy has been a professional psychic and astrologer since 1979. She holds a B.S. Degree from Adelphi University and has teaching certifications in several fields. In addition to teaching, Sandy has worked as a Safety Engineer, and owned her own small book store for many years before retiring to become a full time psychic counselor, writer and teacher. Sandy’s writings include books on Astrology, Kabbala, and Tarot, as well as psychic development.

Sandy has also appeared on many radio and television shows over the years, most notably Crossing Over and Cross Country – both television shows hosted by her good friend and former student, John Edward. You can see video of Sandy on  www.infinitequest.com or visit her personal site at www.sandyanastasi.com


Special Animal EventOctober 6, 2010
Medium in our Midst on BBS Radio
For this very special show, I am bringing together the energies of  two great animal advocates who believe, like I do, that animals have luminous souls and deserve our love and attention.  As Vice President of The Great Animal Rescue Chase and it's charity partner, The Harmony Fund, I am so excited to present you with Laura Simpson, whose vision and hard work has culminated in a new way to share in the joy of rescuing animals from  Hummingbirds to Hippos, and the witty, keen, intuitive connections that Danielle MacKinnon will make between you and your animals.  Please take a look at both web sites, expect an exciting adventure and don't forget to call in !! 
Wed, October 6th
4pm PST ~ 6pm CT ~ 7pm EST
Call toll free 888 815 9756
530 327 7602
530 776 5185
530 413 4522

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Medium in our Midst
BBS Radio
The Great Animal Rescue
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732 278 9484

Brick, New Jersey 08723
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Intuitive Consultant & Animal Psychic

As an Intuitive Consultant, Coach and more Danielle MacKinnon's vision is to empower others (whether human or animal) to live their most fulfilling and enjoyable lives possible.

Deeply connected to the animal kingdom, Danielle communicates with pets and their humans effortlessly.  She uses her skills to help animals and their people better understand one another while working toward a common goal: happiness.  Her particular gift is in revealing the Soul Contract between pet and human which, once determined, can open the door to a more fulfilling, more balanced and happier relationship.

Danielle has been highlighted in newspapers, magazines, webzines, radio shows, and more and her client base spans the globe. She was most recently featured in John Holland's new book "Spirit Whisperer," in Elevated Existence Magazine and she has taught at the esteemed Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY with colleagues Colette Baron-Reid, Robert Ohotto and John Holland.  You can contact her at: www.daniellemackinnon.com
The Great Animal Rescue Chase &
The Harmony Fund

Laura Simpson is a devoted animal advocate who spent more than a decade as United States Director of the World Society for the Protection of Animals where she specialized in educating Americans about the needs of animals across the globe.  She rang the bell on more than $30 million in donations to build sanctuaries for abused bears in Asia and Eastern Europe, develop free spay/neuter clinics in rural Kenya, support lion conservation work around Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater and dozens of other projects.  Laura has also been instrumental in securing disaster relief for the animal victims of earthquakes, forest fires, hurricanes, volcanoes and war. 

 This specialized charity experience makes Laura uniquely qualified to lead the Harmony Fund global animal rescue charity.  Animal lovers of every stripe will enjoy the Harmony Fund's fresh approach to animal rescue with a focus on empowerment and blue sky thinking.  Bottle feed orphaned otters on the Isle of Skye.  Collect snares to protect elephants and hippos in Zimbabwe.  And watch as a long abused bear in China takes his first steps on the grassy lawn of a park like sanctuary where jam and honey are hidden in the trees.  With projects in 10 countries, the Harmony Fund and its supporters are creating extraordinary change for animals in need.

 Animal lovers in the audience may wish to also join The Great Animal Rescue Chase, an international race to save the lives of one million animals.  Simply go out into your own community and help an animal in need and then log on to www.animalrescuechase.com to share the story and photos of the life you changed. 

Ezine articleOctober 3, 2010
Read my article entitled  "Ghostly Apparition" in this months Metaphysical Monthly online magazine. 

Metaphysical Monthly

Special animal eventOctober 3, 2010

October 6th

~ Special Guests on Medium in our Midst~

Animal Intuitive ~ Danielle MacKinnon


The Great Animal Rescue Chase Founder ~ Laura Simpson



                                                    Danielle                                              Laura


  For this very special show, I am bringing together the energies of  two great animal advocates who believe, like I do, that animals have luminous souls and deserve our love and attention.  As Vice President of The Great Animal Rescue Chase and it's charity partner, The Harmony Fund, I am so excited to present you with Laura, whose vision and hard work has culminated in a new way to share in the joy of rescuing animals from  Hummingbirds to Hippos, and the witty, keen, intuitive connections that Danielle will make between you and your animals.  Please take a look at both web sites, expect an exciting adventure and don't forget to call in !!  Go to BBS Radio for details:wwwbbsradio.com/mediuminourmidst.

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