Daria Justyn's Official Blog Site...
Reading event to benefit The Harmony Fund Animal CharityDecember 14, 2010
Reading Event

This week on
 Medium in our Midst
 I am conducting a special fund raising event for The Harmony Fund, an animal charity organization partnered with The Great Animal Rescue Chase.

I will devote the entire show to doing readings. 
 What I ask from you is this: make any size donation to the Harmony Fund, email me the phone number you will be calling in from, and I will take your questions on a first come first serve basis during the show.

 If you are unable to donate ahead of time and wish to do so during the show,I will take your call, but ask that in return you make a donation when we are finished.  I am fine with the honor system since everything we send out comes back to us, twofold.
  In the past, my readings on the show have been freely given.  But this week I am asking you to PAY IT FORWARD to an animal charity that seeks to help animals globally, from hippos, to otters, and every species in-between.

So once again, make a donation to The Harmony Fund, email me the number you will call into the show, so I can recognize it on my switchboard, and have your reading.
Here is the link:
The Harmony Fund
Chrystal Chakra Bowls with Donna SicaDecember 6, 2010
Medium in our Midst on Blog Talk Radio
Wed, Dec 8th
7pm EST ~ 6pm CT ~ 4pm PST

Everything in the universe is in a state of vibration. The frequency at which a person most naturally vibrates is called resonance. A body is in a healthy state of being both emotionally and physically when each cell, each organ, and each emotional thought creates a resonance that is in harmony with the whole. Crystal Bowl sound is a form of vibrational medicine which emits a pure holographic template of radiant light that corresponds to the octave of sound within our etheric body. (Resonance) As one allows the vibrational sounds to bathe their souls, blocks begin to release, emotional shifts surface, and we begin to reflect our highest radiance in our PHYSICAL form. (Enlightenment) Join me in welcoming Donna Sica who finds the beauty of this life is the service to others. When Donna's husband Joseph, crossed four years ago, his passing prompted a “Kundalini Awakening” and unfolding of her purpose, channeling energy through the Crystal Chakra Bowls. Donna says, "Service to others is a beautiful energy of love that supports our connection with the Divine and that is what transpires each time the bowls sing.....I sense the opening of others, the joy of connection, and the magnificent expression of vibration and light." During the show, Donna will PLAY THE BOWLS LIVE, so you can experience their vibration, and then we will take calls. Donna has opened Soulful Awakenings, 1700 Main St., Lake Como, NJ, a sacred place to experience the Chrystal Chakra Bowls for yourself. Visit her web site at www.soulfulawakenings.com
Medium in our MidstNovember 30, 2010
An Evening with Tee Gregory on Medium in our Midst
Wed, Dec 1st
7pm EST, 6pm CT, 4pm PST
call in # 646 378 1825

Tee is a world renowned psychic investigator, profiler, clairvoyant, medium, remote viewer and paranormal investigator who is highly respected in her field. Her strongest ability, remote viewing, makes it possible for her to see into the past, present and future. She assists families and law enforcement agencies in the search for missing people and owns her own investigative agency, MP Investigations. Tee currently has her own radio show on BlogTalkRadio and also a television show that airs weekly. Tee has also been a guest on numerous television and radio shows and has been heard by millions throughout the world. She has had her abilities her entire life. However, she is not sure where they came from or why because she was adopted. This has inspired her to write her new book "An Adopted Psychic". Tee has two online publications, Metaphysical Magazine and Spiritual Conversations. Visit her web site at: www.psychictee.com
Guest AppearanceNovember 16, 2010
me  Tues, Nov 16

I will join Tee Gregory as her guest  on Blog Talk Radio

6:30 EST ~ 5:30 CT ~ 3:30 PST
Call in #347 996 3120

Medium in our MidstNovember 2, 2010

allie Medium in our Midst
Allie Cheslick

 Internationally Known Spiritual Medium, Angelic Channel
 Spiritual Healer, Clairvoyant & Teacher

Allie Cheslick has been changing people's lives for the past 21 years. She has been a professional consultant to celebrities, authors, psychics and mediums, doctors, lawyers, housewives, corporate presidents, CEO's, metaphysical practitioners, paranormal teams and lightworkers. 
Allie has been touted as one of the most genuine, sincere, and hauntingly- accurate psychic mediums of our time.  Allie's Love is felt in every reading and her, "Tell it like it is attitude" is refreshing and authentic.

Allie can be heard weekly on her Internet Radio Show Wings of Love on Achieve Radio.
"My Path is to Teach, Heal, Love and Guide through Source Energy."

Visit her website at Allie Cheslick

Wed, Nov 3rd
7pm EST ~ 6pm Ct ~ 4pm PST
call in # 646 378 1825
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