Daria Justyn's Official Blog Site...
Medium in our MidstMarch 22, 2011

Medium in our Midst


Blog Talk Radio




This week I will begin a new series of shows by connecting with callers and doing readings.  I have an interesting line up of guests coming, including a pet psychic and a past life regression hypnotherapist, so mark the show a favorite and you won't miss out!

Wednesday, March 23

7pm ET

6pm CT

5pm MT

4pm PT

The call in # is  

646 -378 -1825  

 Medium in our Midst Radio Show 


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Medium in our MidstFebruary 23, 2011
Readings with Daria on Medium in our Midst

Call in with your questions for on air readings
646 378 1825

Wed, Feb 23rd
7pm EST
Guest ApprearanceFebruary 11, 2011
Guest Appearance on The Soul Knows

Archangel Uriel in Today's World

   I will join host Rhonda Hohmann on her show,  

"The Soul Knows" on Contact Talk Radio to continue our series on the Archangels. 

We'll be focusing on Archangel Uriel, his messages and gifts for us individually as well as globally.  Archangel Uriel is a Master of Universal Laws and his name means Fire or Light of God.


Contact Talk Radio

Wed, Feb 16th

4pm EST ~ 3pm CST ~ 2pm MT ~ 1pm PST

Call in numbers ~ 425.644.5620 or 877.230.3062.

Let's Talk about Love!February 8, 2011
Photobucket In honor of Valentine's Day, let's talk about LOVE! I'll be speaking about LOVE from the soul's perspective; why we are always seeking love, being in love, different expressions of love, soul mate love, twin flame love, and taking your calls to answer your questions about love!

Wed, Feb 9th
7pm EST ~ 6pm CT ~ 5pm MT ~ 4pm PST
Call in # 646 ~ 378 ~ 1825

Medium in our MidstJanuary 18, 2011
The Ascended Masters

What would you do if you woke up in the middle of the night and posed this question; "Who is my new guide?", and then heard a booming voice say, "Saint Germaine!"

Well I can tell you what I did, I called my friend Rhonda Hohmann and said, "We need to talk!"


The Ascended Masters are called such because they have walked among us as humans, yet have evolved through many incarnations to transcend into the highest realms of divine love.  Still they remain steadfast in their dedication to helping humanity learn, grow, and ascend through our own soul lessons with grace and dignity.

Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary and yes, Saint Germaine are but a few who have enlightened us through their teachings, examples, and interceptions while they had lives on Earth, and even now that they have ascended into the higher vibrations.

You may be familiar with some of these Master Teachers.  I myself have felt the guidance, comfort and unconditional love from Mother Mary, also known as The Blessed Mother, ever since I was a little girl.  Now I embrace the energy of Saint Germaine and seek to know and understand all I can about him.


Join me this week on Medium in our Midst, 

when gifted spiritual intuitive, teacher and healer, RHONDA HOMANN and I will explore some of the as the Ascended Masters who have walked the Earth.

Rhonda Hohmann is right on the mark when it comes to your soul's longings to express the powerful truth within you. A natural and gifted intuitive teacher, guide and author, Rhonda brings clarity, insight and resolution to even the most challenging and difficult aspects of life. Deep mystical experiences as a child led her to study, theology, shamanism, alchemy and the healing arts. As an adult she realized she must share the gifts of spirit while teaching others how to empower and heal their own lives. As she says so often, it's all in remembering who you are! 

Rhonda hosts her own show, The Soul Knows

on Contact Talk Radio on the internet.

Visit her website at:

The Soul Knows

Medium in our MidstJanuary 5, 2011
New shows will be starting soon!  Watch for updates, and please enjoy the archives of any shows you might have missed.

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