Daria Justyn's Official Blog Site...
Readings on Medium in our MidstMay 9, 2012
This week
in our Midst  

 An Hour of Readings
Daria Justyn
 My producer, Donnarose, will be especially looking for first time callers, so don't be shy, this is your time to shine! 
Wed, May 9th  
7pm ET  6 CT 5 MT  4PT
Call in # 646 378 1825

Melissa Watts on Medium in our MidstMay 1, 2012
 Past life
Regression Hypnotherapist
Melissa Watts 

 During her own hypnotherapy sessions Melissa came face to face with her Spirit Guide, ALL, who helped her to learn not only the lessons of her past lives, but gave her a blueprint for her purpose in this lifetime.  

Author of  

Lessons of Many Lives Melissa Watts and I will discuss what it feels like to be in a hypnotic trance state, what Melissa learned from her own sessions, and the lessons her clients have learned from their past life regressions.


Melissa's Web Site 


Medium in our Midst
Wed, May 2nd  
7pm ET  6 CT 5 MT  4PT
Call in # 646 378 1825

Guest AppearanceApril 11, 2012
I will be visiting Mind Body Spirit U with the very gracious host Tracy Liebmann on Blog Talk Radio on Monday, April 16th at 7pm ET.

Lots to learn from this interesting forum!
Chrisitna Ambrosino on Medium in our MidstApril 10, 2012
Psychic Medium & Health Sensitive
Christina Ambrosino
Medium in our Midst
Wed, April 11th
7pm ET 6pm CT 5pm MT 4pn PT

The Life of a Psychic is the theme for this show, where I will be joined by my collegue and friend, Christina Ambrosino, and together we will discuss living life as a professional psychic; the messages, the misconceptions and the role the media plays in peoples perceptions of who we are and what we do.

We will also be talking your calls and giving on air readings

Christina is an eclectic psychic who encompasses mediumship, clairvoyance and health/energy readings to provide a full-spectrum experience, Christina also teaches classes and offers seminars in Psychic Development, Intuitive Arts and related subjects.  With a career spanning 20 years, she has skillfully combined her lifelong interests of psychology, sociology, spirituality and theosophy. She provides a unique integration of the intuitive arts with a keen psychological insight. Currently, you can hear Christina on Blog Talk Radio, Connecting with Christina Psychic Chat and Eclectic Talk Radio. Christina has also has co-hosted A Psychic Experience , a CRN digital talk Internet radio show. She has also frequented such radio stations as 98.9 KISS FM, 1240 WGBB AM, Angelwaves Radio, WSAI AM, WBAI FM as well as various radio shows in England.
She also is a contributing producer to Light Quest cable TV show as well as an occasional host. Christina�s psychic predictions have been featured in Marie Claire, European Vogue, The Daily Row , The Frisky.com, and the New York Daily News.  Visit Christina on the web at:http://www.psychicchristina.com/

Medium in our MidstMarch 26, 2012
Numerologist Alison Baughman
Medium in our Midst

Wed, March 28th
7pm ET 6pm CT 5pm MT 4pm PT

The call in number is 646 378 1825

I'm so excited to bring back one of my favorite people, Alison Bauchman.  Alison will bring her Numerology expertise to discuss the Mayans, whose calendar says that on March 21st, we entered the Maya year of 2 KAN (Kiche long count) and 10 EB (Yucatan Haab count).  2 KAN speaks to balancing duality and survival issues, and 10 EB speaks to arriving, anchoring and manifesting.  Alison, through her unique intuitive understanding of numerology, will help to shed light on the Mayan messages. We will also be taking your calls, so mark your calendars!

Visit her web site below, and you can also find Alison on FaceBook.


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