Daria Justyn's Official Blog Site...
Medium in our MidstJune 27, 2012

Medium in our Midst

Our Light Bodies and Changing DNA!

I've Seen It!

We are attaining a level of consciousness never before accessible in a human body. As the crystalline codes in our DNA become activated, our cells are able to hold more light, and I have seen this 5th dimensional light body!

Tonight I will be sharing that and more as we bring in messages about the emerging changes to our DNA and the encoded information that we are activating within our systems. Sounds very Star Trek, doesn't it? What fun to be right smack in the middle of it all.Call in tonight and see what messages are waiting for you.

Wed, July 27th 7pm ET ~ 6pm CT ~ 5pm MT ~ 4pm PT
Call in at (646) 378-1825

Dolores Cannom on Medium in our MidstJune 12, 2012

You won't want to miss this weeks
 Medium in our Midst!
Dolores Cannon
Quantum Healing Hypnosis  

  Dolores has a stellar reputation as a pioneering hypnotherapist, past life regressionist, author, UFO investigator, international speaker and teacher. Dolores is the author of 17 books, many translated in over 20 languages.  She developed her own ground breaking Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) technique, and then created her own team of hypnotherapists. She has had an amazing 50 year journey that has taken her all over the world, on radio, television and in the media.

Please visit her website at



Medium in our Midst
Wed, June 13th   
7pm ET  6 CT 5 MT  4PT
Call in # 646 378 1825

Astrologer Debra ClementMay 30, 2012

 Medium in our Midst Radio



Coming up on Medium in our Midst: 

The illustrious Astrologer Debra Clement will be joining us to talk about the amazing 113 year Venus transit happening on June 5th.  Unless we become immortal, this may be a once in a lifetime happening!

We will be taking your calls and the chat room will be open!


Wed, June 6th at 7pm ET ~ 6pm CT ~ 5pm MT ~ 4pm PT

Call in # 646 378 1825


Medium in our MidstMay 23, 2012
  Medium in our Midst  

Daria Justyn



Wed, May 23th  
7pm ET  6pm CT
 5pmMT  4pmPT  
Call in # 646 378 1825

Sharita Star on Medium in our MidstMay 15, 2012

Medium in our Midst

Wed, May 16th

7pm ET 6pm CT 5pm MT 4pm PT

Call in Number is 646 378 1825

This week Astrologer, Numerologist and Lexigramist Sharita Star returns to Medium in our Midst to discuss La Luna, the beautiful, magical Moon, and the upcoming lunar eclipse happening on May 20th.  Sharita combines all of her wisdom to create a wealth of information on what secrets the eclpises hold for us energetically.  The chat room will be open, and we will also be taking your calls .

Sharita is the author of "It's All in the Name" and hosts her own show, "What's Your Sign, I have Your Number" at  http://www.sharitastarradio.blogspot.com.
Her web site is www.sharitastar.com and you can follow her on Facebook

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