Daria Justyn's Official Blog Site...
November TeleconferenceOctober 31, 2012

November Session

A Course in Consciousness


Humanity is poised for ascension, an awakening into full consciousness.  Cradled in the energy of 2012, our ever expanding consciousness is presenting mankind with an opportunity to step out of the fog of limitations, and create a life of boundless joy.  This can be viewed as an ending of life as we know it, or the beginning of a grand adventure; what has been portended to be The Golden Age; a thousand years of peace, abundance and love. What we believe is what we create, in an instant. Through our thoughts and desires we pull matter into form, and the more fully conscious we become, the more our creations will reflect immeasurable love.  By virtue of my desire to manifest a beautiful world, I am presenting:  

  A Course in Consciousness

Do you have a desire to understand your own AWAKENING?

Learn about the new energies of ASCENSION 

Discover your SOUL MISSION?

 I have been told by my guides that it is time.

In an effort to reach more of you and share the spiritual direction and channeled messages I am constantly receiving, I will begin a series of counseling teleconferences called A Course in Consciousness over the phone.

Each month, I will schedule two conference calls.  Part one will be during the first week of the month; part two will be during the third week of the month.  Each counseling session will be guided, channeled and interactive, lasting up to 2 hours depending on the number of participants. 

Some new topics will be :of the topics we'll discuss will include:

  • Twin Flames
  • Creating new time lines
  • Working in the higher dimensions
  • Realizing our true Potential
  • How soul groups are brought together
  • Soul contracts
  • Choosing to live in the Light

Some of the topics we've discussed include:

  • A guide to ascension and 5th dimensional energy
  • Creatively manifesting and the power of thought
  • Awakening to truth
  • Releasing fear and embracing compassion
  • The illusion of time
  • Past lives and getting off the karmic wheel
  • Extra terrestrials, Angels and Ascended Masters
  • Dreaming, daydreams and bi-location
  • Letting go of what no longer serves us
  • Why am we here; our role in the universe
  • Staying grounded amidst rising energies
  • Activations and Releasing
  • Spontaneous Awakenings now occurring
  • Divesting ourselves of unnecessary burdens/keeping our distance, finding the balance
  • Compartmentalizing ourselves
  • Believing in Abundance
  • Finding your Soul Partner & preparing for their arrival
  • The True Nature of creativity and imagination
  • We have designed a master blueprint for ourselves eons ago
  • Be above fear
  • We find ourselves straddling two realities
  • The over soul
  • The super conscious
  • Solutions finding their way to you
  • Changes are coming momentarily
  • The intertwining of past and present lives
  • Where does that leave us

~~ Most importantly, each topic of discussion will be given to me during that day's meditation by my guides, so it will be pertinent to the group dynamic and also directed by you asking questions!  I have found through the experience of hosting my radio show that like minded souls congregate through Divine Timing and themes arise to keep us on point.

The cost of A Course in Consciousness will be $60 for both conference calls, a total of 4 hours! All you will need is a phone.  If you miss a session or want to listen again, the calls will be recorded and available to participants as a download when the call is over so you can listen again and again!  For this reason there are no refunds for missed sessions.

Before each session, you will be emailed the call in number and code to enter the teleconference.  I will be moderating the list of participants, and for your privacy, during the call you may use your first name only if you prefer.

 Try it once, a few times, or follow A Course in Consciousness each month to see where it leads.  This is the time of our awakening and I am doing my part to help it unfold! 

November Session  ~

Tuesday, Nov 13th ~ 7:00pm ET 5:00 CT 4:00 MT 3:00 PT

Tuesday, Nov 27th ~ 7:00pm ET 5:00 CT 4:00 MT 3:00 PT

Guest AppearanceOctober 25, 2012
Guest Appearance on
The Lois Wetzel Show
on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, Oct 26 10am ET
Debra Clement on Medium in our MidstOctober 16, 2012

Astrologer Debra Clement


Medium in our Midst

Wed Oct 24th 7pm ET

The inimitable Debra Clement will be joining me to share her astrological expertise on what the planets and the stars have to reveal about the upcoming election. 

With her usual aplomb and insight, Debra takes all of the puzzle pieces of cosmic information and weaves them together, giving us a clear picture of the energies at work during this critical time.  HER record of predictions stands on its own merit!

Call in with your questions and have your birth information handy.  646 378 1825

Debra's web site is: http://debraclementastrologer.com/

Lois Wetzel on Medium in our MidstOctober 12, 2012
Lois Wetzel
 Medium in our Midst

Wed, Oct 17
7pm ET

Lois J Wetzel is a Shaman/Healer/Teacher and the author of "Akashic Records: Case Studies”. Lois does Past Life Readings/Life Mission Readings from the Akashic Records. She is an energy medicine healer and will be discussing her recent travels to the Pyramid in Bosnia and her trip to Glastonbury.

Visit Lois' website at http://hotpinklotus.com/

Alison Baughman on Medium in our MidstOctober 10, 2012
Numerologist Alison Baughman
Medium in our Midst

Wed, Oct 10th
7pm ET

Alison Baughman once again graces Medium in our Midst with her luminous talent, her intuition and her humor.  Although she is well known for her skill as a numerologist, lecturer and teacher, she is also a gifted medium.
We will be taking calls and giving readings so call in and join in the chat room for an exciting evening! Alison's web site is http://www.visiblebynumbers.com
Daria Justyn Welcomes Pamala OslieSeptember 18, 2012

Medium in our Midst

Daria Justyn Welcomes Pamala Oslie

Wed, Sept 26th

7pm ET ~ 6pm CT ~5pm MT ~ 4pm PT

Pamala Oslie s a dynamic, extremely accurate psychic, who for over 25 years, has developed the ability to see and sense the aura colors and, through her psychic work, uncovered personality traits that coincided with each color. She uses the aura colors, along with her psychic ability, to coach people and help them find their most fulfilling life path.

Pam says, "Science is proving that we are much more amazing and powerful than we have been taught.  Your aura colors show a lot about your personality and the theme you've chosen for this lifetime, and much about your personality, your life purpose, relationships, best career direction, how you deal with money and health."

Pam is the author of three books;  Life Colors, Love Colors, and Make Your Dreams Come.  She also lectures, conducts workshops and hosts her own radio show. 

To find out more about Pam, schedule a session, take her Aura Colors Quiz, or read her celebrity endorsements, go to: http://www.auracolors.com

Call in with your questions!  646 378 1825

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