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We are Points of LightMay 11, 2021

Love is the unifying force of the universe.  It emanates from the divine source, a light permeating the consciousness of all life. We are that divine love manifest. 

Singly, we are points of this light that shine so brightly, but together that light blazes across all of the multiverses, all of the expressions of  our soul, too many to imagine. Let that light endlessly expand. Let us be emblazoned by love!

Engaging your Thoughts February 2, 2021

We know, that during deeply engaging and widely shared events, such as what we are globally experiencing, a purposeful stream of consciousness is generated into the collective. 

If your desire is to contribute to that by engaging the heart of humanity, promoting harmony and worldwide peace, then go within. Disengage with anything that feels dissonant. You have the love of the Creator, the support of the Earth and the light filled, love filled energy to support you in this experience. 

 Keep the flame of your divine sovereignty lit and know that thoughts of fury, hatred, division and judgement will create more of the same. 

 Walk your talk. Be a loving being and fill those dark voids with thoughts of Gods light; shining bright and sending love to anyone who has fallen out of that path of light. Its simple, really. Love yourself, send love to the Earth and every being on it, steer clear of negativity in all its forms and just be in the moment. We are human but that doesnt mean we are any less of divine; an emanation of Source. 

 There is an old proverb that says, Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear. But that depends on what you are looking at and what you are listening to. When you see through the eyes of your intuition, your stream of consciousness and you listen to what is resonating within your heart, then trust is inevitable. All else falls away. Do not allow fear to manipulate you away from your own inner voice. There are a thousand different ways to view a circumstance, to glean information, but there is only one truth; and that is what your heart is telling you. Follow that, your instincts, your intuitive sense and this path of ascension will allow you to see your way through. 

7 Days of CreationDecember 14, 2020
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December 14, the solar eclipse, to December 21, the winter solstice, marks 7 days of cosmic energy with immense potential (think the 7 days of creation) culminating in the 800 year event of the Jupiter - Saturn alignment at 0 degrees, appearing in the sky as the Star of Bethlehem. 
We havent had this cosmic potential for 26,000 years. 
Weve been aware of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius since the 1960s. Well hold onto your hats because it is upon us. I send out blessings to the Earth, our home, and to all of Godss creatures to use this energy for the Divine ascension, and for creating a loving, peaceful, abundant world for all of us. This is my dream, my prayer and my intention. Shine your light into the world!

Souls on SaturnNovember 11, 2020
I am blessed in such a beautiful way with the work I do, which is not just what I do, but who I am to the very core of my soul.
 I am always striving to increase my frequency, raise my vibration and expand my consciousness, especially in this ever ascending spiral of energy that we are currently in.  
The effect for me is that I continue to have new and unique experiences with each Reading I give. 
 This was especially true, when a client asked an unusual question as we were coming to the end of their session.  They wanted to know what their deceased loved one was doing in the afterlife, to continue their soul evolution. 
 When I presented the soul with this query, I was shown, first our universe, and then specifically the planet Saturn.  They spoke of Saturn as the sentient being, not just the planetary body.  This soul was part of a collective, working with the planet's energy, assisting it to release and transmute some of the limiting or restrictive energy Saturn is known to impose. This was all part of universal ascension at work, as each planetary body holds a unique and particular  energetic vibration that is connected to their level of consciousness.  In ascension, where we go one, we go all.
 This soul also told me that she was very connected to and energetically assisting one of the littlest members of my clients family, who would soon be celebrating her 5th birthday.  When I tapped into this little girl's energy, she  had a crystalline vibration that felt so high and pure, it didn't surprise me.   
 And guess what?  My client was delighted to tell me that when her mom asked her what theme she wanted to have for her birthday party, she replied. "Saturn!".   It doesn't get any more joyful than that!
Words createOctober 12, 2020

Avra Kadavra 

Translated from ancient Aramaic ; I create as I speak.

Choose your words wisely, with love and care, for once spoken they will reverberate throughout all of time and space and resound forever.

Happy Equinox September 22, 2020
Happy Equinox! Cheers to keeping the mystical and the material in balance!
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