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A Delicate BalanceDecember 15, 2022

Only the hand of God can create such a delicate balance to keep celestial bodies in place

As I watched meteors shooting across the sky I am reminded of this.  We are in an evolutionary cycle existing within our galaxy.  This is creating the harmonic frequencies necessary for the soul of the Earth to rise out of the lower densities, clear distorted timelines and rebalance nature through this ascension cycle.

We are all experiencing this ‘mythology come to life’ as an expansion of consciousness that is magnifying EVERYTHING.  It comes as an opportunity to dissolve all that is disharmonious to life, and recognize the innate love and grace that is imbued in our spirit.  

As we reach the December solstice this is a reminder that yet another gateway is opening. Step through.  Let us restore our place in this universal ascension, knowing God is holding it all in balance.  

Winters ApproachNovember 28, 2022

With winter’s approach, I cherish the light filled days more than ever.

The coming holidays feels like balancing between the light and the dark.  On one hand are the memories of childhood wonder-filled moments, family getting together, when we looked to the skies for Santa’s sleigh and hoped for snow on Christmas morning.  On the other is the E-commerce and crushing pressure to purchase that the holidays have become.  Holding on to that “before” energy is what I focus on now; believing there are still moments of magic, moments to treasure and lots of love to give that doesn’t need to be wrapped up and tied with a bow.  Now I look to the skies for luminous winter moons and bright twinkling stars that come with the crisp winter skies, and thats magic enough for me.

Out of the ChaosNovember 28, 2022

Chaos feels very much a part of this Ascension process.  

As I sat this morning I had a vision of beautiful streams of colored lights, etheric ribbons of energy, flowing up, breaking free from the density existing on the planet and bursting out in every direction.  This feels chaotic as these vibrant, high frequency streams unlock new possibilities, new choices for creating.  How do we choose?  In meditation I reconnected with Comte de Saint Germain, an ascended wisdom master who has been known to be at the forefront of each Age of Enlightenment.  He said, “Wisdom is inherent, knowledge is learned.  Within our divinity we carry wisdom but it has been veiled and became superseded by what is taught.  This chaos is disrupting the veil.  Inherent wisdom is a knowing you feel in your heart.  Connect with that.  All potentials lie before you.

Points of DestinyJuly 29, 2022

Points of Destiny

Our soul creates points of destiny that are woven throughout the fabric of a lifetime. 

 Within the many different paths we may take and the infinite amount of choices we may make, there are moments when the past, the present and the future all collide.

  Imagine the timeline stretched out across a lifetime.  Then image it compressing to a singular point.  Everything you have experienced until now and all the possibilities you dream of for the future come together and present a golden opportunity for expansion and soul evolution.  It could be something simple, or exciting, or illuminating.

 Or it could be extremely challenging, pushing you to cross a threshold, an impetus that leads you in a new direction, to go farther then you’ve gone before, opening you up to a different way of living.  You’ve stepped onto a new path.  

 When these points of destiny present themselves, there is a sense of knowing; suddenly everything falls into place, or a new opportunity presents itself in unique ways.  Conversely you can feel like your life is completely shaken up, like you are walking a tightrope that requires you to reach new depths of courage, but you take the leap.

 And then, if you follow your heart, listen to your intuition and trust your instincts, you move through that point of destiny to see what’s on the other side. At that point the timeline will decompresses and you look once again to where you have been and where you are going as a way of accessing how you arrived where you are, in this moment of now.  

 Or, you can resist that magnetic pull, you can deny it, fight it.  But your soul knows this life’s plan and will tap into universal energy sending waves that will light you up in ways that will be impossible to ignore. 

 Someone recently shared with me that a specific message I had presented them with a decade ago came to fruition.  It started me wondering about all the meanderings we take as we move through our lives; how many paths we were on, how many choices we made to lead us to where we are, and when we arrive at these chosen Points of Destiny. 

 I came to understand that no matter what, sooner or later, we arrive at those destined moments.

 So what is the big picture here, what does this all mean.   To me, it says BE TRUE TO YOURSELF!  When you are true to yourself your paths may diverge, but along the way you will be gathering all you need to complete your souls plan. You will meet those moments with an open heart, a clear mind, grounded to the Earth and you will continue to raise your frequency and resonance.  It is written on the stars!

Begin AgainJune 21, 2022

Begin Again

I was in a lucid dream/altered state with a group who we are familiar to me. We had a brothers-sisters vibe. We were told to pack up and get ready to ‘travel’. Standing by, we watched a film that would help us acclimate to our new surroundings and then it all went blank. Opened my eyes and we were in my childhood backyard. We were hugging each other, so excited to begin again and choosing new names. I looked up in the crystal clear blue sky and saw the star ship that brought us. It’s shape was like a letter U, with the ends tubular and pointing towards each other and a twist in the back. Between the points it generated a field of energy to move through time/space and dimensions. 

A great way to Celebrate solstice!

My meditation with the LyransMay 23, 2022

In meditation:

I went into my meditation thinking of my nephew’s daughter, whose soul I’d connected with before she was born.  She had told me she was known as Aya and she was coming in from the star system we call Lyra.  There are two groups of highly evolved beings from Lyra that I am familiar with; one of which are the Feline or lion beings; standing upright and very tall. I’ve felt their presence on occasion, as jovial and on a mission, yet protective. It was exciting to feel their presence again. 

Immediately I was shown an image of a huge desert, much like the Sahara. Then I heard the word ‘Cairo’. And then I saw the date December 17th hovering in my vision. My attention was then directed towards the top of my head where I began to feel an intense energy surging down through my pineal gland going specifically to an area at the back of my head, just above the Zeal chakra. It was a rhythmic, pulsating energy. It was coming in an entirely new way. It felt uplifting and purposeful. My sense of it was a resonance, an energetic upgrade more so then a download of information. I have experienced different ‘restorative’ energies with different groups whenever I have asked for assistance so I was grateful. 

When the experience ended and I came out of meditation, I put ‘Cairo’ and the date Dec 17th in a search engine.  An image from the Cairo Museum in Egypt came on the screen.  It was mind blowing because the picture was of three statues; tall, long limbed creatures with lion heads, that to me, depicted the Lyrans. It was their validation speaking to me. 

If you think the ancient sculptures and paintings of Egyptians with elongated limbs and heads, bird heads, feline heads, lions bodies etc were all just costumes and headdresses think again. There were a multitude of  ET races on the planet, with some vying for control.   Some stayed and some left. 

At present, our solar system has moved into a space in our galaxy whose frequency is so high, lower vibrational beings cannot stay. And with all the media talk of ufo’s and space ships, threats and promoting fear understand this; the beings involved in our evolution now are not just technologically evolved  but also Spiritually evolved.  They know we are on the precipice of great change and are lovingly here. But we have to meet them on that spiritual level. Their star ships aren’t just metal and rivets, they are inter dimensional orbs of light. They are here to assist, not to rescue and not to destroy. We have  an incredible opportunity to disengage from fear and align with the frequency of universal love. That is us reciprocating. We are almost there.  

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