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When spirits appear on filmOctober 7, 2024

If higher vibrational energy is boundless, formless and infinite, outside of time or space,  how is it that we can capture images of spirits with high-speed cameras or infrared technology that appear not just as orbs or beings of light, but as images of people. 

What separates dimensions and therefore realities is resonance. As these energies flow through  them, they shift their resonance to align with the frequency they are seeking. When that is in accord with the speed of the camera we can ‘capture’ their image with a picture. And when we use our consciousness to raise our resonance we can connect with them on our own without the need for devices. Expand your consciousness and shift your form to the density you seek. 

The Polar BearJuly 28, 2024

Our thoughts and our manifestations are multi dimensional.

My friend Mike and I have been meditating together for many years; so much so that when we project our energy, we travel through time, space, through consciousness.

One such journey took us to a crystalline cavern deep within the Earth.  The mineral formations ‘lit us up’ in ways that were revelatory and rejuvenating.  

But an image of what was directly above us, on the surface of the planet, was the most surprising.  It was a polar bear on an ice float, under the arctic circle.

 Fast forward a few days.  I’m reading a book by a Japanese author translated into English.  In the story, set in Japan, the main character receives a post card from his estranged wife, who’s also in Japan, of a polar bear on an ice float.  There was no particular meaning as to why she sent that post card.  It was completely random.  But not for me.  Multi dimensional manifestations!

 I’ve had many and they keep on happening.  A reading I gave showed an hour glass with sand running through it, to represent the passing of time.  That evening I turned on the tv and the first image appearing on the screen was the hour glass, sitting on a desk.  I’m having a conversation and the same names of the people I was speaking about turn up (in order!) on the pages of the book I pick up.

Time line convergence? Maybe, but it feels more like overlapping of dimensions, moving faster, and faster in this accelerated, ascending energy.  It feels more and more like living in a hologram; seeing the same image, projected at different angles, within the circle.  

We have always been multi dimensional masters of manifestation.  We are just now remembering how it’s done.

In Every TearsropMay 28, 2024

In every teardrop is an ocean of emotions. 

I’ve often thought of why we cry.

I cry at the drop of a hat, as my family will attest to. Whatever emotion is tugging at my heart, joyful moments or sad ones, the tears come. 

When emotions are flowing, it makes sense that they would begin to bubble over and we cry. Teardrops become the physical manifestation of that emotion.

So don’t hold them back, don’t bottle them up, let them flow. Because in every teardrop is an ocean of emotion. 

ListenApril 24, 2024

The soul speaks to the heart.  God speaks to the soul.

Let your heart guide your thoughts to emit a vibration of peace, stability, gratitude and a vision of what comes next, what you bring to the collective and into this world.  Our minds may be filled with clutter, but our hearts will always speak our souls truth.  Use your mind to fulfill the wishes of your heart and not the other way round. May the force of light be with you. 🌠

A Meditation to Re-energizeMarch 8, 2024

Close your eyes.  

Feel yourself being lifted out of your body.  You are moving above the lower densities, leaving reality behind as you move into ascending waves of consciousness connected with Source.  You see a point of light and move towards it.  As you get closer it begins to expand.  It envelops you and you are drawn inside the light and you are one with it.  All of your senses are heightened and you feel a part of all that is.  This light is emanating pure love and as you absorb it you feel completely at peace.  

You feel the love and support of all the souls you are connected to and know that nothing in time and space can weaken those bonds. You magnetize the light of the divine creator into your heart and feel it flow through you and expand into all of consciousness.  You are both the creation and the creator in a sea of infinity.  You are safe, held within this light of love.  Soon you become aware of the Earth below you.  You see this energy of love flowing down into the planet.  You feel the sense of home and it begins to draw you back and ground you into your body.  You feel energized, renewed and know you are loved beyond measure. 

Mini MiraclesDecember 19, 2023
Synchronicity are mini miracles.
When I had to postpone a long awaited reading due to illness, my client was understandably disappointed. A few weeks later, I gave them my first available appointment. When we began, they were so excited because it was actually the birthday of the loved one they were connecting with. Synchronicity at its best! When your highest self aligns with your deepest desires, in the most joyful way, miracles happen!

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