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Choose PeaceJuly 16, 2016
Choose LOVE! Choose PEACE! 
Fear is a tool of manipulation, power and distraction.
Each moment I keep my attention on love and compassion for where my attention goes energy flows. Sending out love to the departed souls who are magnifying our need to change our world through our desire for PEACE.
PeaceMarch 11, 2016

Peace is a very powerful emanation of neutrality where nothing is polarized and all is in balance.  It is an energetic field of serenity, creating a safe space of love and non judgement.  Within this field is freedom for thoughts and actions to flow as creative expressions, with no polarization to taking sides.  Using any negative force to instigate peace is not possible as that would inherently polarize the energy.  

Be at peace, be peaceful, peace be with you and all God’s creatures, in all forms and fields, collectives, universes, star systems throughout the cosmos.

The Year of PurificationFebruary 3, 2016

  The Year of Purification 


We are in an astonishing metamorphosis, a renaissance of love.  Can you feel it?  It is undeniable!
 We began this shift decades ago when we entered the revolutionary age of aquarius and a new cycle of evolutionary consciousness began for humanity.  
 Revolution has morphed into evolution.  We have released and cleared the bands of negativity that have had a stranglehold on the planet and what we are encountering is an acceleration of consciousness on a collective and planetary level that is unparalleled in the universe.  Photon clouds, solar flares, increased magnetic fields abound; even the biggest supernova ever recorded shows how ascension is not just universal but cosmic.
Creation is at work.  It's happening now!

 There is a matrix of bands around the lei lines of the planet that hold energetic codes.  These codes, put in place many millennia ago, held programing to keep the planet and it's  inhabitants in isolation and prevented our ascension.  
 We've been programmed with a template of habitual beliefs propagated through fear that we lack the ability to evolve and to manifest a glorious life with ease.  We've seen the riches of the planet hoarded to forward economic agendas, and the Earth, with it's rich diversity of life, suffer.  It's been chaotic and confusing. But those days are done and may they rest in peace!

 Through divine intervention the bands of the matrix have been deconstructed and new ones reconstructed, by humans, angelics, galactics and ascended beings, who've worked diligently to hold the powerful energy of light, and ground it into the planetary shield.  
 And I have seen these bands!  They exist in the 'reality' of 5D.  In that dimension they are as real as anything constructed down here. 
 I was coming out of a deep sleep, my body awake but my consciousness hyper aware of 'falling' back down into my body, and I went right past them.  At first I wasn't sure what these golden/bronze metallic looking bands engraved with geometric symbols could possibly be.  And then, just like that,I knew what I was looking at; bands within the matrix.  I had always seen them as etheric.  It was quite a revelation to see them as real, encoded with sacred geometry.

 It is undeniable that we are going through some kind of truly remarkable harmonic metamorphosis.  We are resonating with higher and higher frequencies of consciousness that have expanded our perception and is stretching us in ways we are unfamiliar with.  
 And that in turn is activating and bringing 'on line' more of the '97% of our DNA labeled as junk'.  Did you ever really believe that something so astounding as the human template could have anything that's 97% junk?  
 Well, the cocoon of illusion that we wove is unraveling and ready or not, here we come, the new human; actively engaging in mastering the art of creating, with a growing self revelation of our place in the universe.  We are embracing change rather than running in fear and becoming masters of our own destiny.  The truth is becoming apparent that we share common ancestors who have come from the stars, and that our humanness includes everyone on the planet, with no derision and much more compassion. 

 We've entered into an immensely amplified energy field in this new cycle around the sun, whose solar currents are altering our magnetic fields, amplifying  our thought patterns, exciting the neurons in our cells to restructure to a more crystalline matrix that can support a higher vibration.  This expansive energy field deletes illusional boundaries of linear time and pushes us to live in an everlasting present, where the concept of making 'future' plans' becomes redundant because so much is changing so quickly. Issues and challenges that we need to decide on flicker from day to day, seemingly unresolved, and then suddenly, they are, just like that.  We hear a negative outcome one day, and the next it changes to positive and we are back on that joyful path again. 
 There are no absolutes; only the potential to create.  So we must be vigilant and be sure that our creations reside in the frequency of love.  Be ready for great change.

 Everywhere people are recognizing a deeper level of imagination, ideas seemingly springing up out of nowhere when all they had to do was pose the question.  And feeling stronger levels of intuition, guiding them with less and less anxiety or second guessing themselves.
 For those who have been consciously working on tuning up their energy, their lives are changing in ways they never guessed.  They are visualizing and feeling more confident, tapping into other planes and dimensions and watching their premonitions happen, feeling courageous and joyful.

 There is a purification emerging by a gradual filtering of whatever negative energies are left in the matrix, and from purification comes clarity.  The chaos, the murkiness, the haze of confusion is clearing away like a muddy pool filtered clean, or fog dissolving in the sunlight.  There is a sense of joy and a hope that didn't exist before in the collective because now we know there is no going back; no more destruction and false flags to negate the truths we have learned about the institutions we have trusted, and a constant stream of disclosure coming out. We cannot unlearn what we've learned.  We cannot stuff the truths we've seen back into the darkness.  
 Just for fun, I watched the first episode of the new X files, and the amount of disclosure they revealed was literally jaw dropping.  The other episodes have reverted back to the ridiculous (for now) but someone either demanded that information be released or allowed it.  A sign of the times.

 Truth is enlightening and empowering.  By releasing outmoded notions of our limitations, and flexing our consciousness muscles, more and more are accepting that, yes, life can be fulfilling and loving, steeped in happiness that comes from within and not without.  And the more we QUESTION and put those questions out into the universe, the more our answers will materialize in right front of our noses. 
 The New Human is emerging.


Earth is in a time of great change. 

Electromagnetic currents, unprecedented solar flares and gamma bursts reaching our solar system from 500 billion light years away are altering it's magnetic fields. 
 Divine Consciousness, inherent in these waves, is catapulting the Earth into higher frequencies, and the infinite potential of our DNA to morph our cell biology into 5D beings.

 Just like a flickering hologram whose signal begins to weaken and break apart, the 3D matrix that was created eons ago is dissolving.
 When we agreed to incarnate during this great time of transition, we entered this matrix based on a polarization that reflected our separation from source: positive vs negative; light vs dark.  This created a perception that limited us to using just a small percentage of our brains capability and recognizing only a small percentage of our DNA.  Intuition became secondary to logic as we were taught that our mind, driven by our ego, was real and our imagination, driven by our heart, was not.  And our emotions, powerful triggers of energy that effect our field of potential and manifest our thoughts, became tools to manipulate and stagnate human evolution.

 Emotions send immense waves of energy out into the universe generated by what we are feeling, with no perception or judgement of good or bad.  They are cast out into the matrix of consciousness, and the universe gives us what we've asked for.  
 In this fascinating journey on Earth, we are relearning to become master creators through consciousness, because it is through consciousness that we manifest.  Humans are highly emotional beings, something that sets us apart in the universe, and emotions are powerful triggers for consciousness.  And because we are immersed in high vibrational energy, manifestation of our thoughts, especially when triggered by emotions, are almost instantaneous. Therefore, in order to create the New Earth, it is more important than ever that we  become masters of our emotions, and not let emotions master us. 

  As an emotion ripples through our causal body, whatever we are focusing on becomes energized, because in our causal body we see cause and effect.  The strength of that energy depends on the strength of that emotion and how much it is affecting our energy field.  
 Now if others are 'plugged into' that same emotion, as often happens through media driven scenarios, that emotion can grow exponentially and hugely go out into the collective consciousness as something either very loving and positive, or something dark and fearful.  It is in this way that we can manifest powerful positive change, or how we can be horribly manipulated. 
 We must also be on guard against others who attempt to manipulate the power of the collective by planting seeds of fear, and then stepping back and watching as we energize it through our emotions into mass consciousness.  Up until now this has been wildly successful because fear is such a powerful motivator.

 Why are things different now?  Because we are remembering our potential and the power of love!  Love supersedes all else as it is the very foundation of our existence.
 The phenomena of Woodstock was a great example of this; half a million strong focusing on love and unity.  The collective emotions of Peace and Love were enough to initiate the beginnings of a great energetic shift, but the frequency of the planet was not yet strong enough sustain it.

How can we become masters of our emotions? 
By remembering that thoughts trigger feelings that trigger emotions; so by positively directing our thoughts and not reacting to negative emotions, we choose what to energize.  
 By using discernment as to what we think, watch, engage in, and react to, not just individually, but also as part of the collective, will determine what goes out into our field of consciousness and what we put into the collective. 
 By shifting negative emotions with compassion, forgiveness, non judgement and love. 
 Also, in order to create positive changes, we must have the belief behind the words.  Creating mantras and immediately negating thoughts and words that have a negative spin are ways to help set the belief behind the intentions and not energize fear based emotions.  
 And when we have received enough positive feedback from our reality that what we are practicing is actually working, it becomes easier and easier.
 And let us not forget the power of prayer and group meditation!

 As we continue to shift along with the Earth, integrating and stabilizing the energy of 5D, our frequency is like a computer going from dial up to broadband  with more and more pixels for clarity and brightness. We are aware of perceiving reality in a different way.
 As universal light enters our solar system and our bodies, we are continually absorbing and transmuting energy, and increasing our awareness of our place in this Grand Cosmic Plan to be fully conscious beings while still being human. 
 But it is good to be aware that the absorption of so much energy can affect our  bodies, sometimes manifesting as headaches, light headedness or dizziness, anxiety, or pressure on the top of our heads, blood pressure issues or insomnia.  These symptoms usually pass rather quickly, within a few days, and that's how you can recognize them as 'ascension symptoms'.  (Anything not passing quickly you would probably want to get checked out.)   

 We are all progressing at different rates, trying to release whatever issues are holding us back by sending them unconditional love and getting off the karmic wheel.  There are many who are still holding on to  polarity because this is what they feel comfortable with, who enjoy the drama or negativity or power over others.  They often feel this shift as chaotic, as they are immovable and cannot go with the flow, allowing fear and insecurity to run rampant. 
 But there is no judgement here; we will all get to where we need to be according to the presence of our soul because we are entering a frequency where there is no separation, no here or there, no past or future, there is only CREATION and LOVE.

Solstice Event HorizonJune 19, 2015
 Solstice Event Horizon


Can you feel it?
 The energy of change is so imminent, so palpable, I keep catching my breath with excitement.  
 We are standing at an Event Horizon, poised for a quantum leap in human evolution.  We have come so far!
 On this side of the horizon, the energy feels very much like completion; we have turned a corner, the veil has dropped and we are ready to step out of the illusion and into what comes next. 
 We know what we want; a new world coming together where the needs of all are met, joyfully so, around the entire globe, sharing equally and freely.
 And we know what we don't want.  We are done with war, with debt and greed, but most of all we are done with fear and the belief that there is a lack of abundance anywhere on this planet.  We know the truth and we know that we have allowed it to happen for way to long.  Collectively, more and more, it is dawning on us that we are enlightened beings and the Event Horizon becomes suddenly visible.

 Since 2011 we have had constant waves of energy, showering us with the light of the Divine Feminine, ushering in compassion, heightened intuition and nurturing. 
 This paved the way for the Divine Masculine energies of action and potent manifestation to begin flowing in, as yet another portal opens to coincide with the 2015 Solstice, happening on June 21st, the effects of which we are already feeling. This is some of the highest vibrational, light/energy that we are able to integrate on a cellular level, and I encourage everyone reading to prepare to meditate in whatever part of the world you reside in on that day. 

 Personally, I am experiencing this as a tremendous influx of thoughts, feelings, visions, intuition, swirling in maddening speed until the day is done and I fall into bed.
 And what I am hearing from family, friends and clients is more of the same.  But also a recognition that whatever they happen to be thinking of, is suddenly popping up all over the place.  Previously they might have taken it all as some kind of sign.  Now it is becoming evident how quickly and randomly we are manifesting our own thoughts.  And wondering why it seems so effortless when we are not directing them, and more difficult when we are.

 What is occurring here is an alignment between the Feminine and Masculine energies, pairing the two in perfect harmony for creation and manifestation to occur, the building blocks we need to proceed.
 This energy will further shatter the matrix of negative forces held in place for so long by the illusion of our powerlessness and lift us to even higher states of consciousness as beings of light.   With these energies in balance, we can complete the integration of the light that we have worked so hard to spread around the planet.  And along with the assistance of the Archangels, Ascended masters, and our universal brothers and sister, we can finally and firmly anchor them into the collective, and the planet, to create a quantum leap forward.

 I want to share with you one of my most beautiful meditations, a potential for what we could create.

 In my meditation appeared a vision of Earth's colorful chakras, extending like a rainbow bridge to the New Earth which we collectively manifested in 5th dimension.  The color frequencies merged into a sparkling, crystalline beam of light that formed a torus (think donut shape) around the beautiful body of planet Earth; her skies clear, her water clean, her land majestic, and Gaia was complete, just waiting for us to make the leap.  
 Once there, our senses were developed beyond belief; feeling something without actually touching it, seeing, not just sensing, someone behind us without turning around, creating and enjoying food just by thinking of it.  
 All barriers that separate us are gone.  We are one with each other in love, all of us, every human who wants to open their heart to love.  Our idea of free will is obsolete as every choice we make is made from love.  Whatever work we choose to do is just that, a choice, and we do it with joy as we understand that we are contributing to the well being of all.  Educating our young is based on nurturing the unique gifts they came in with and happens in holograms, so they may experience what they are learning, and s 
hare it with all.
 Animals are celebrated and given the respect and the space that their diverse species require, and all forms of aggression are nonexistent .  Plant life, flowers, insects, all are revered for the contribution and the beauty they bring to the planet.  
 And best of all, we can freely traverse the universe and beyond.
 We have created innumerable worlds, stars, planets, universes, many teeming with life, honing our skills, each one more challenging, to bring us to this moment. This experiment in creation is folding in on itself. Timelines are converging, we are stepping out of karmic loops and assuming our roles as master creators. We are not watching and waiting, we are creating it all as we go so it is imperative to be positive, to be aware of how we direct our thoughts and intentions. 
 We all have an inner compass, our soul, and with open hearts we will be directed towards the next step.
 Will it be abrupt?  Or will it continue to unfold like wrinkles pressed out of a sheet whose pattern suddenly becomes visible.  
 Only the progression we make as the collective of humanity can determine that.  Just stand in the flow of light and let it carry you.

AntaraJanuary 28, 2015
 Dreamscapes my pic
My journal of walking between worlds


I was just beginning to wake up; that moment when consciousness slowly returns to the body, just before eyelids flutter, when we are at our most open and receptive.  Someone, or something called out my name. 


It came in as a voice with an odd accent, one I didn't recognize, and by now I know that when I am being called by name I need to sit up and pay attention. 

 I thought, "Who is this" wishing them to identify themselves.  I clearly heard, "Antara".  

 Ok, "Can you show yourself to me?"  I heard, "I am formless."  Seventh dimensional came in to my head.

 I felt a powerful flood of energy rushing in and around me, at such a high frequency my body shook.  While it lasted only a few minutes, I was able to intuit 'powerful' and 'creators'.  I knew I had absorbed so much more, but couldn't bring it forward.  Although disappointed, it didn't matter, as I knew my higher consciousness would retrieve it when necessary.


 Needless to say, I was fascinated by Antara.  My feeling was that this was either a seventh dimensional guide or collective of energy.  Because of the frequency, it was almost impossible for me to hold the connection for more than a few moments.  

 But I also know that our cells are rapidly evolving in their capacity to hold higher frequencies of light energy, and we may be on the very threshold of some powerful changes to reality as we know it.  How exciting!

 So after that, I made several attempts to reconnect with Antara in meditation, and each time I saw nothing but a purple light.  This would make sense as purple is the emanation of very high guides, a frequency above the blue that I have been communicating with throughout my life.  It also validated for me that the more we expand our knowledge and perception, the more we are able to expand the boundaries of anything that is consciousness driven, thereby raising our resonance.  The enigma being we don't know what we don't know until we know it.

 Even linking up in a dual meditation with my friend Mike, (and believe me when I say we reach some really high places), we weren't able to get much more than 'guide' and 'purple'.

 And so just when I was about to let it be until some future time when my resonance was more in tune with Antara's, I felt drawn into trying one more time in meditation.  

 Almost immediately, I heard the word "Sanskrit" but that was all I got; done.  Life is busy and it quickly faded from memory. 

 About a week later I found myself daydreaming about it, and so I put the words Antara and Sanskrit into a search engine.  And guess what?  Antara is actually a Sansskrit word and it means: to search within, and the interval.

 I immediately went into meditation; the energy and information flowed. 

 Nothing is not separate from us, everything is within us.  There are no literal boundaries between us and everything else.   A universal cosmic energy unifies all that is, expressing itself as form, and we are part of that form.  It flows in waves; in the  interval between the waves are the thought forms, and in the waves, creation is manifested.  And we are such powerful creators!  

 We are within and without, the creator and the creation.  Nothing exists outside of ourselves, that is the illusion or the hologram we have created.  Every cell, every molecule is part of a Divine intelligence that is expressed in a unified field of EVERYTHING.  The deeper we go into that truth, the more the interval between what is physical and none physical fades into nothingness.  It is in the interval between expressions of form, that creates the illusion of separateness.  There is  the form and the formless, ebbing and flowing in a Creators dance of shifting realities.  

 Antara is within our hearts, to reignite light codes imbedded in our soul.  We are not just physical expressions of thought forms who believed our dual nature of body and spirit meant we were separate.  We are masters of creation who have incarnated during epic periods of time where civilizations have risen and fallen, all in preparation for anchoring in this higher frequency, this great awakening, into Earth's energy field.  

 We need only journey within our hearts to access the eternal flame of knowing that burns brightly in our soul; remembering our true purpose.  We give structure and form to an ever increasing flow of the Divine energy that is shifting this planet, one that we ourselves, had a hand in designing eons ago, into a higher plane of consciousness, and it is all consciousness driven.   We are a continuum of the expression of Divine love, and I invite Antara to show me so much more...

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