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News from WindbridgeOctober 2, 2015

"Feeling is Believing," ELLE magazine
In a section called "The New New Age" in the October issue of ELLE, journalist Lisa Chase describes her experiences after the death of her husband and her reading with a medium. In an attempt to make sense of her experiences, Lisa talked to several experts including Julie Beischel. Check out the October issue of ELLEwherever magazines are sold. The article will post online on the ELLE website on Friday, Oct. 2nd, and we will provide a link by email at that time.

The content of the article is listed on the cover as "When a Medium is the Messenger."

Featured Publication: 
For the first time all in one place, Investigating Mediums: A Windbridge Institute Collection features Dr. Julie Beischel's three books previously only available electronically: Among Mediums: A Scientist's Quest for AnswersMeaningful Messages: Making the Most of Your Mediumship Reading, and From the Mouths of Mediums Vol. 1: Experiencing Communication plus additional articles.

Investigating Mediums: A Windbridge Institute Collection
by Julie Beischel
Our Price: $11.99
Buy Now

Media for Windbridge InstituteOctober 2, 2015
I am a Research Medium for Windbridge so lots of interesting info here:

Featured Media:  

Death Makes Life Possible
This feature documentary by Marilyn Schlitz includes interviews with Deepak Chopra, Dean Radin, Rupert Sheldrake, Jim Tucker, and Windbridge Institute's Director of Research Julie Beischel. Watch it this Thursday, Oct. 1, on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) at 8:30pm or 11:30pm PT/ET.
Exciting New Publication from the Windbridge InstituteMay 13, 2015
After years as a research subject serving as a medium the data is in...
Exciting New Publication from the Windbridge Institute
In March 2015, a scientific paper written by Windbridge Institute researchers titled "Anomalous information reception by research mediums under blinded conditions II: Replication and extension" was published in a "Special Issue on Nonlocal Mind" of the journal Explore: Journal of Science and Healing. I was one of 20 Windbridge Certified Research Mediums (WCRMs) who participated in the 58 phone readings analyzed in the paper. The accuracy data demonstrate what the researchers call "anomalous information reception" (AIR) which is the reporting of accurate and specific information about the deceased in the absence of prior knowledge, feedback, or fraud. This paper replicates the findings from a previous study and since, says Director of Research Dr. Julie Beischel, "in science, it doesn't happen until it happens twice (one time can always be a fluke), this paper is a landmark achievement."
The abstract (summary) is available for free online at: http://www.explorejournal.com/article/S1550-8307%2815%2900006-3/abstract
If you would like to support continued research like this (which does not receive any funding from the government like other research does), I encourage you to become a member of the Windbridge Institute at:http://www.windbridge.org/become-a-member/
Group Reading in Mt PleasantJanuary 31, 2015
Group Reading 
Daria Justyn 
The Collective Center for Holistic health

Tues, Feb 17th at 7pm

Group readings are fun, intense, emotional and enlightening!
I connect with and bring in messages from loved ones, spirit guides, Archangels, ascended masters and your soul.

Fee $60
Limited to 10 people

For more information on this group or to get on the waiting list for future groups please contact Jean Maczko at 843 991 2456

1092 Johnnie Dodds Blvd
Suite 112
Mount Pleasant, SC
January Group Reading at the CollectiveJanuary 7, 2015

Group Reading 
Daria Justyn 
The Collective Center for Holistic health

Wed, Jan 28th at 7pm

Group readings are fun, intense, emotional and enlightening!
I connect with and bring in messages from loved ones, spirit guides, Archangels, ascended masters and your soul.

Fee $60
Limited to 10 people

For more information on this group or to get on the waiting list for future groups please contact Jean Maczko at 843 991 2456

1092 Johnnie Dodds Blvd
Suite 112
Mount Pleasant, SC
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